Let's Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority brought to you by the nonprofit Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). 548 Market St, PMB 57274, San Francisco, CA, USA. WordPress¶ The OpenLiteSpeed WordPress One-Click app is based on a standard WordPress image, but includes several great performance enhancements, including LiteSpeed's popular LSCache optimization plugin. This Wordpress + OpenLiteSpeed + LSCache image tends to be more than 300 times faster than a regular WordPress image! Support » Plugin: WP Encryption - One Click Free SSL Certificate & SSL / HTTPS Redirect for WordPress. If you would like to secure your Wordpress site with https using letsencrypt free ssl certificate, you can get it done easily if your hosting company supports one-click letsencrypt installation via cPanel. Else, you can consider using the wp-encrypt wordpress plugin. WP Encrypt is an easy-to-use client for Let’s Encrypt which provides free SSL certificates.
- Wordpress Letsencrypt Plugin
- Let's Encrypt Wordpress Plugin
- Free Ssl Let's Encrypt
- Let's Encrypt Wordpress
Wordpress Letsencrypt Plugin
Since my SSL cert was nearing expiration, I thought it would be a good idea to give Let’s Encrypt (free SSL certs!) a try.
Let’s Encrypt has a helper app called certbot that will configure Apache for you automatically. The really nice thing about certbot is that it will also (via crontab) renew your cert and configure Apache to use the new cert. This is useful, since Let’s Encrypt certs expire every 90 days.
To use certbot effectively, you need an Apache configuration that’s setup the way your distro expects. Mine was not (I hand ported the configs from Ubuntu), so I figured it was a good time to reinstall Apache with the default configs, then run certbot (official instructions here: https://certbot.eff.org/ ).
This initially seemed to work great, but I quickly noticed all of my subpages returned 404 errors. WordPress works best when you allow it to configure a .htaccess file to do URL rewrites. Allowing URL rewrites via .htaccess requires some additional configuration in your ssl.conf file.
sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
Let's Encrypt Wordpress Plugin
Add the following just before </VirtualHost> at the very end of your config.
Free Ssl Let's Encrypt
<Directory /var/www/html/>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Let's Encrypt Wordpress
Thanks to Mike McMurray who posted the instructions at: https://mike.mcmurray.co.nz/2017/01/08/wordpress-permalink-404-with-https/